JICA introduces cutting-edge technologies for Green / Blue Hydrogen production in Uzbekistan

On February 8, 2024, Uzbek-Japan Innovation Center of Youth (UJICY) signed the agreement with JICA on the implementation of SATREPS technical cooperation project “Development of Innovative Technologies for Efficient Generation of Green /Blue Hydrogen for Realization of Carbon-Neutral Society with Consideration of Industrial and Environmental Characteristics in the Region”.

This project supported by Ministry of Energy of Uzbekistan is aimed at building models for research and implementing cutting-edge technologies for realizing a sustainable and resilient hydrogen society with strong linkage between academia and industry of Japan and Uzbekistan through promoting carbon neutrality in Central Asian region.

This project will demonstrate the best options for generating blue/green hydrogen and step forward in the process of creating hydrogen infrastructure and further develop renewable energy sources. The success of this Project will contribute to significant reduction of the carbon footprint of the industrial sector and help to “decarbonize the economy”.

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Опубликовано 12.02.2024