JICA Knowledge Co-Creation Program (Young Leaders) Primary/Secondary Education (Education Administration)

Two of us Mr. Shamshiev Jamshid who is working as a head of secretariat of the ministry of preschool and school education in Uzbekistan and Ms. Ruzieva Lobar a chief specialist recently were selected as a participants of KCCP program for Young Leaders which is organized by JICA. NGO organization in Japan think Locally Act Globally was one of the stakeholders and organizers. Two weeks course was conducted in October 12-26 in Japan.

Specialists from 5 different countries were involved to this program. The course was focused to develop management and leadership skills of participants. The syllabus of the program was designed widely including analyzing challenges that our countries are facing in primary/secondary education. One of the main goals of this program is participants be able to apply what they have learned during the course to overcome the challenges addressed into our work. Also, during the Co-Creation Program, we took lectures about Japan’s educational reforms post World War 2 to the present, current educational system, challenges of education in Japan. We visited several educational organizations such as Prefectural Board of Education, Teacher Training Institution, City Board of Education, Public Primary and Junior High School, Special Needs School. Moreover, we got familiar with organization and management system of education administration at Prefectural, Municipal and School level, observed school and classes facilities, had discussion with school principals and teachers.

It should be noted that beside raising the awareness of Japanese education system the Program let the participants get to know each other, including Japanese culture through the culture events, that organized by all stakeholder of this program. It was a great opportunity to exchange the cultural experience of countries and make friendship relationship with participants from different countries, like Kyrgyz, Georgia, Tanzania, Uganda. We felt proud of representing the culture of our country Uzbekistan.

At the end of the course, participants presented how they can apply what they have learned in Japan to find the solution for presented problems in their own country. We express deeply gratitude to JICA and NGO Think Locally Act Globally for organizing this Co-Creation Program and give a chance to get to know Japanese Education System.

Mr. Shamshiev Jamshid, Head of secretariat of the ministry of preschool and school education in Uzbekistan Ms. Ruzieva Lobar a chief specialist, of the ministry of preschool and school education in Uzbekistan

Опубликовано 15.01.2024