JICA Loan replaces last century pumps at Amu-Bukhara Irrigation System

n 2014 JICA extended a loan in the amount of JPY 11,872 million for rehabilitation of two pump stations: Amu-Bukhara II and Kizil-Tepa I with 30 years repayment, 10 years grace period at 1.4% interest rate.

Recently JICA mission visited Amu-Bukhara II Pump station, where 10 large pumps with flow capacity of 15 m3/sec each are being replaced using JICA’s Loan. Mission was pleased to note that 5 pumps are installed and put into operation already, while the other 5 pumps are in various stages of installation. Old outworn Soviet pumps, installed in the mid-1970th are being replaced by the modern efficient pumps of Austrian brand Andritz.

It shall be stated that Amu-Bukhara-II Pump station is the first elevation grid for irrigation system of Bukhara and Navoi provinces and must be operated 24/7 even in non-vegetation period, when it is used for land leaching and replenishing of Tudakul and Quyi-mozor water reservoirs. JICA mission was glad to observe that the team of Consultant, Contractor and Executing Agency is working together to complete the installation of the remaining 5 pumps soon.

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Опубликовано 30.10.2023